Sabtu, 26 Maret 2016

Tugas Bahasa Inggris

Well my friends, I am standing here will tell you about the experience in my childhood. The story begins when I was 2 years old. But, I do not remember what my experience. So I can not be the story of my childhood. Okay, then I'll tell you about after my childhood. When I was 6 years old, I first entered the school, kindergarten. The following year, I moved to the elementary school. 6 years later, I moved again, the junior high school.

At the time I was 9 SMP had a pretty good experience for recalls, precisely on November 23, 2014. Approximately one month earlier, I got information that there are 4 lessons competitions organized by SSC and each participant will receive one cup of ice cream , Immediately, I was not interested to follow. After day after day passed, on November 22, 2014 arrived. Somehow, I suddenly wanted to follow the race. The next day, approximately 30 minutes before the race started, I just signed up to participate and pay a registration fee of Rp6.000,00.

Because in every space race already a list of participants' names and my name was not there, I finally decided to relax and get in the room. Apparently, the 20 participants in the room that I occupy this, there are only 2 men and 18 women. I also sit at the rear. When absent participant in this room has already begun through to completion, my name was not called, and the supervisors came up to me and ask me. Once completed question and answer session, the matter was shared equally by the supervisor and all participants were rushing to do it.

2 hours later, LJK collected and all the participants out of the room as well as the right to make one cup of ice cream and enjoy it while looking at existing entertainment. After waiting several hours, finally the time came the announcement of results. Initially I was sitting with friends on the side of the stage. I was idly see the results of the race on hold by the emcee of the back and I saw my name in the paper. I walked toward the same place to sit with friends and I said, "I am the champion 1" by talking very relaxed.

After I was called to go onstage and occupy the space provided, I am very proud to be the first champion of all existing participants. Then I was invited to get off the stage and I did not immediately go to the wall of the announcement of results that lists the value of all the participants. Before I look at the wall of the announcement, I received congratulations from teachers and friends who know me. After that, I headed to the walls of the announcement and see my value. Without the suspect, the value of one of the lessons I got a perfect score, namely mathematics.

Moments later, I went home to my own home with a trophy, a plaque of appreciation and money coaching. Other prizes were given vouchers les SSC is free for 1 year. Usually such a gift would be best utilized by following the free tutoring. But, at that time I was not interested to participate in the free tutoring. So that free tutoring vouchers will be available at my house until today.

Since that time I was pretty well known to many friends in junior high school (only knew) and I was not all familiar with them. I also believed by the school to enter the race in several high schools in Ponorogo. The first, in SMAN 3 Ponorogo held on January 25, 2015. There I followed the race along with two younger siblings math class was a class 8. The three of us go in space race and struggled to answer questions correctly.

2 hours later, all participants of the race out of the room and into the hall to enjoy school promotion. After several hours, the announcement of winners arrived. Finally I got the 2nd place of hundreds of other participants from various parts of Ponorogo. And bring home the trophy and given to my school. The announcement is finished, my compatriots and friends gather together to discuss the matter that we've done with our builder teacher.

There is one number that we debated, namely the number 35. 2 juniors I answered the letters A compact and builder agree with the teacher, but I answered the letter B. The three of them are very sure the correct answers are A and blame me for having answered B. Whereas already I love to know that the correct answer is B, but they still do not agree with my answer. In fact, they are wrong. Finally I alone lost three debates with the wrong people.

After I look again because I can ascertain from the existing 40 questions, 36 correct numbers, two numbers I did not answer because it can not, and 2 numbers no answer, and strangely I still answer the questions that do not have the answers. Interestingly, a number that is my answer was number 3 and 33 in SMA 3, round number 3.

The second, in high school Muhipo on February 7, 2015. There, using a system of two rounds, the preliminary round and the final round. At that time I was the only participant of the junior 1 Balong that class 9 and the other was a class 8. In fact, the next day I and my friends grade 9 will follow the try out. Preliminary round I got the highest grade and eventually enter the final round and only taken three people with the highest value. My entourage friend many feel very hungry, waiting for me who is doing about the final round. Pity yes they ??

Unfortunately, when all the participants are eager to enjoy a dish that no matter the final round and nearly finished, the sudden death of its electricity. Finally, with all the participants are forced to repeat the same work on the problems. And myself puzzled to see the paper scribbles because it is not very clear to be seen for the second time. I slumped and only got 3rd place.

The third, in SMAN 1 Ponorogo on February 21, 2015. I race here to gain experience that may seem strange to you. I was the only participant from SMPN 1 Balong who follow OG, whereas each of the other schools sending participants more than one, in fact there are hundreds. By the time the race started the first round, I came late and the worse I got the wrong space race. How embarrassed I was. Not only late in the first half alone, the second half was the same mistakes happen again, that's too late. And I had to wait on the porch BK and the space race in the eastern infirmary. The story is not yet finished.

A few years earlier, I also have enough experience dangerous to do, namely freefall. Freefall that I did when I was aged less than 3 years at a height of 150 cm. Freefall conducted by experts usually equipped with a safety device that is very complete and good landing. The difference with me, freefall that I do this without the slightest safety devices and landed at a place not normally, ie iron spike with landing head first.

When I just could not speak quietly. Because blood from the forehead covered all my face up to the abdomen. I was taken to a doctor for injuries on my landing. My clothes were originally white in color immediately turned red with blood. Former landings I've ever done at that time still exists. There is more.

A few minutes ago, I actually wanted to tell my other experiences even better. But, I have no more stories to tell on friends. So I do not so continue another story.

So, the message can be taken from earlier story is:
1. "If you want to be the first champion in a race, sign up for 30 minutes before the race starts"
2. "Do not come to the wrong room and repeat the same mistakes"

3. "If you want a free fall, do not land on your head".

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